The Wyche & Newsome Families Close Connections
A Brief History of Us
Here is some information that will help us to understand the connection between the two families. We closed out our 1999 Reunion with a church service at New Hope Baptist Church in Southampton County, Virginia and this statement was included in the church bulletin that was passed out that day.
“The affiliation between the New Hope Church and our family members dates back to at least the 1890s. The Rev. Moyler Newsome, once the pastor of this church, was the brother of Mrs. Lucy Jane Newsome Wyche whose husband, William, of Southampton County, was the son of Frank and Martha Wyche, the ancestors whom we have honored this weekend. It is our understanding that the Newsomes and Freemans were founders of the church and were active members for many, many years.
“The children of Benjamin and Nannie Wyche Freeman, William’s sister, were not only very active in Sunday School with its programs and plays at this church, but also attended the New Hope School which at that time was located next door. They were taught by Mr. J. Thomas Newsome and his wife, who was affectionately called “Miss Mary”. Mr. Newsome, the rural school teacher, became an outstanding Virginia lawyer and was the publisher of a newspaper in Newport News.
“Another interesting tie is that Rev. Moyler Newsome was the minister who performed the marriage ceremony for Rufus and Annie Freeman (Nannie’s daughter) Turner in 1917.
“Descendants of the Newsome and Wyche families are represented here today and we are pleased to worship with you.”
The above is an excerpt form an article by our Matriarch.

1997 Reunion

1999 Reunion

2023 Reunion
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